Runner Rugs

Runner rugs provide a visual link between different spaces and parts of your house and are therefore the ideal tool for creating a beautiful aesthetic line throughout your home.

Our runner rugs are welcoming and inviting. They act as statement pieces, or art for your floor, which makes the first impression of your space an unforgettable one. You can change the mood, the energy levels and the perception of size in your space with one of our contemporary runner rugs. We have soothing pieces and energising ones for you to choose from, with geometric lines and irregular shapes, inspired by art or nature, all ethically sourced and entirely handmade.


Rug Color


Modern Contemporary Colorful Bubbles Runner RugColourful Modern Bubbles Runner Rug

Bubbles Runner

after matisse purple vibrant contemporary runnerContemporary Geometric After Matisse Purple Runner Rug

After Matisse Purple Runner

colour canyon multicoloured hallway runner

Colour Canyon Runner

Antelope Canyon Twilight RunnerModern Purple Orange Antelope Canyon Twilight Runner Rug

Antelope Canyon Twilight Runner

Luxury Blue Antelope Canyon RunnerContemporary Blue Green Runner Rug Antelope Canyon Pool

Antelope Canyon Pool Runner

Luxury Grey Designer Runner Antelope Canyon MistModern Luxury Grey Runner Antelope Canyon

Antelope Canyon Mist Runner

from $1,520
Rainbow Colourful Runner Rug Sonia and SonyaDesigner Runner Multi Colour Sonia and Sonya Rug

Sonia and Sonya Runner

Fishes Triptych Wall Hanging

Fish in Greece Triptych Wall Hanging (3 pieces)


Fishes in Greece Light Runner


Fish in Greece Dark Runner

from $1,824
Colorful Modern Art Runner Rug Chromatic PixelModern Colourful Rainbow Chromatic Pixels Runner Rug

Chromatic Pixels Runner

Modern Colourful Rainbow Magic Stepping Stones Runner

Magic Stepping Stones (Vibrant) Runner

Rainbow Modern Magic Stepping Stones Runner Rug

Magic Stepping Stones (Deep) Runner

Rosie Flower Colourful Runner Rug

Rosie Runner

Teal Reflections designer Runnerteal reflections vibrant contemporary runner

Teal Reflections Runner


Aqua Teal Sea Runner

Modern Colourful Happy Runner RugVibrant Multi-Coloured Happy Runner Rug

Happy Runner Rug

Modern Green Runner Rug - Capsule Runner

Capsule Fresh Runner

capsule runner sunset

Capsule Sunset Runner

Colourful Modern Rainbow Runner Rug

Rainbow Runner


Dusk Runner

from $1,520

Rockpool Runner

from $3,057
Contemporary Luxury Hallway Runner Rug - Landscape

Landscape Carpet Runner

from $3,057